#FueltheFuture Today

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

YWCA Southeast Wisconsin
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YWCA SEW has been changing women's lives for decades. Join me and together we have real impact.

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1,000 donor goal

YWCA Southeast Wisconsin's needs-driven programs support the aspirations of women and their families.  

YWCA SEW knows that education, including digital literacy,  is key to pandemic economic recovery. Our community trusts us as a go-to adult education and workforce pathway resource, evidenced by the 10,000+ we serve annually. These services will expand to reach those who have historically been left behind, creating opportunity access where it is most needed to address the High School credentialing, workforce readiness and the digital divide.    

Individuals are better equipped to carry out the business of life with increased digital access and skills development support woven throughout each of our programs.

Your generosity supports ongoing expansion of our economic empowerment programs, paving the way for even more individuals in our community to:

  1. experience a peer supportive learning environment
  2.  utilize YWCA SEW’s Opportunity Advancement Centers for access to technology
  3.  receive personalized guidance in addressing specific concerns/needs related to their personal technology access, including broadband
  4. participate in digital skills workshops to increase tech access and fluency
  5. obtain access to a personal computing device at no or low cost, including computers, tablets and/or hot spot

This fundraiser supports

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YWCA Southeast Wisconsin

Organized By Virginia Finn

Giving Activity


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