The Leading Ladies of Legacy Program

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Leading Ladies of Legacy Inc
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Girls need a safe space to learn and grow, but they don't always have that.


raised by 0 people

$10,000 goal

 Girls need a safe space to learn and grow, but they don't always have that. Without proper guidance and mentorship, girls can feel alienated from their communities—and from themselves.

At Leading Ladies of Legacy, we help girls find their own voices by providing them with opportunities for leadership development, as well as the tools to become leaders in their communities. Our program is designed to give girls the tools they need to overcome difficult circumstances and challenges so that they can go on to lead happy, healthy lives full of purpose and meaning.

We believe that every girl has a right to be heard and valued, but not everyone has access to those things. That's why we're fundraising: so that we can provide these resources to more girls who need them most!

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