Rosh Hashanah and Hanukkah Holiday Appeal

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Jewish Federation of Volusia & Flagler Counties
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"The Almighty has willed that there be two hands in the matter of charity: one that gives and one that receives."


raised by 3 people

$16,000 goal

The Days of Awe are upon us. This is a time to reflect, take stock, and commit to being the best versions of ourselves - - for our families, our community, and ourselves. 

The past two years have presented many tremendous challenges for all of us, and the presently we are facing another challenge—unprecedented inflation.

This year we hope to get back to normalcy and have the Rosh Hashanah and Hanukkah luncheons once again.  These luncheons are for our elderly that live in assisted living or by themselves, and for many, it is the only chance they get to celebrate the traditions of the holidays with friends.  

We also provide food for our needy Jewish families for Rosh Hashanah and Chanukah, as well as Chanukkah gifts for children. With rising costs, your support for these initiatives will be needed more than ever.

In Judaism, charity is not merely an act of giving; it is a moral commitment of faith. In short, it's a fundamental part of Jewish living.

In Hebrew, Kulanu means “all of us.”  Together all of us can make a difference, so please lend us a helping hand so that we can make sure we can provide for those in need and help our seniors celebrate the traditions of the holidays. 

In the past, we have done an appeal for each holiday, this year this will be the one time we reach out.  

May the coming year of 5783 be one of sweetness, hope, and joy for all of us...together. And may the lights of the Hanukkah candles shine upon you and your family, giving you excellent health and good fortune.

Deeds of kindness and charity weigh as much as all the commandments.—Talmud  

The obligation of charity outweighs all the other duties.

Do a Mitzvah today!  

Any donation large or small will be appreciated

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