Enrique Burgos

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

National Foundation for Transplants, Inc.
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raised by 114 people

$15,000 goal

Thank you all

Update posted 3 years ago

I would like to thank everyone who has helped me along my journey with my kidney transplant. The kidney is doing amazing and I can feel the difference in health. I’ve had some up and downs but overall everything is working out great. I really appreciate every single one of y’all and I love you all. February 16th 2022 will be 1 year with my new kidney and I feel blessed. 

Enrique Burgos


Transplant Type: Pancreas 

I would like to thank everyone for the donations I have received prior to my kidney transplant. I received a kidney from a longtime friend on February 16th 2021 and I will always be grateful for this gift that I’ve received. I have been doing much better health wise and plan on getting stronger and not taking this opportunity I received for granted. A year is about to approach since I’ve received my new kidney and I will also be reactivated on the transplant list for a Pancreas. This procedure will give me the opportunity to live without diabetes, a disease I have had since I was 9 years old. Diabetes is what caused my kidney failure and has also affected me in other ways throughout my life. This will be the first time since I can remember where I’ll be able to feel normal and healthy and won’t be stressed about everyday living. I honestly can’t believe that it’s a possibility but I’m so ready to experience it and live my life as a adult like I never have, diabetic free. I’m asking for donations to help cover some medical cost, medications and also traveling to and from the hospital leading up to the procedure and also after the procedure. Any donation is appreciated and I thank you all once again for being there for me through this journey to better health and living.

Transplant Type: Kidney and Pancreas

Enrique Burgos is awaiting a new lease on life. When he was only 9-years-old, he was diagnosed with Type-1 Diabetes. Over the years, it has taken a toll on his body, especially his kidneys. In 2018, he was diagnosed with stage-4 kidney failure. His diagnosis came as a shock, as there is no family history of kidney disease. Enrique’s illness leaves him tired and affects his quality of life. Doctors say a kidney and pancreas transplant is critical.

During this difficult time, Enrique is thankful for the love and support of his family and friends. He is a single father of three sons, ages six, ten, and thirteen, and his illness prevents him from being the active father he longs to be. Enrique enjoys coaching and playing soccer, playing with his kids, and cooking, but his illness sometimes limits his activities now. He looks forward to receiving a transplant that allow him to feel like himself again. Enrique wants nothing more than to be healthy so he can get his life back, resume the activities he once enjoyed, open his own food truck, and live his life to the fullest. But right now, he needs your help.

The average kidney and pancreas transplant costs more than $618,000, and that’s only the beginning. Even with insurance, which will cover a portion of the transplant costs, Enrique still faces significant expenses related to the surgery. For the rest of his life, he will need follow-up care and anti-rejection medications. Post-transplant medications are very expensive, and they’re as critical to his survival as the transplant itself.

Enrique lives 80 miles from his transplant center, and traveling back and forth for appointments is expensive. When he receives his transplant, he will have to stay nearby while he recovers, incurring substantial expenses for travel, food, and lodging. Enrique is unable to work due to his declining health, further adding to his financial burdens.

You can help by making a tax-deductible donation to NFT in honor of Enrique. If you'd prefer to send your gift by mail, please send it to the North Carolina Transplant Fund, 3249 W. Sarazens Circle, Suite 100, Memphis, TN 38125. Please be sure to write "in honor of Enrique Burgos” in the memo line.

Thank you for your generosity!

Transplant Center: University of North Carolina, Tampa General

This fundraiser supports

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National Foundation for Transplants, Inc.

Organized By Enrique Burgos

Giving Activity


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