Proyecto Anillos de Libertad

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Toucan Rescue Ranch

Help us raise funding for our bird banding project!


raised by 36 people

$4,000 goal

You can now purchase the limited edition t-shirts!

Update posted 23 days ago

Interested in supporting our cause in style? Check out the limited edition CustomInk sale featuring this design from Eli Dudziak! 

All proceeds from the sale will be added to our $4000 goal, which will fund the launch of Proyecto Anillos de Libertad!

Visit to shop the 6 style options!

Welcome to the launch of Anillos de Libertad, a Toucan Rescue Ranch project aimed towards creating better protocols for the birds in our care!

Birds make up nearly 50% of our yearly clinic intake and are the most abundant residents of our Sanctuary. With this project, we hope to create practices that will improve the overall care of the birds we see through our Sanctuary gates.

The initial effort of this project will focus on reestablishing our bird banding program.


Bird banding is a protocol often used by zoos and sanctuaries to keep better records of the birds they have in their collection. Each aluminum or stainless steel band has a unique number code that identifies the bird as an individual, allowing more accurate medical records to be kept. This record-keeping is essential for our permanent collection's non-releasable parrots, macaws, toucans, and raptors, as many come to us with pre-existing medical conditions.

Field biologists and ornithologists utilize bird banding to monitor wild birds for scientific purposes. Banded individuals who pass through our clinic and are rewilded can be better monitored post-release to assess health and behavior. This will also help our rewilding program overall, as we will be able to determine better the survival rate of rehabilitated birds post-release.


In order to fully fund the launch and longevity of this project for the next 3 years, we need to raise $4,000.

We only need to raise $1,475 more to get this project fully-funded. Will you help us get there? Donate now!

Together, we can make a difference in the lives of the birds we treat, both those viable for release and those who will spend the rest of their days in our care. 

From the bottom of our hearts, thank you for your support towards giving this project wings!

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