Voices for Vaccines

A nonprofit organization

44 donors

10% complete

$50,000 Goal

Say the word "vaccines," and people automatically think of controversy, debate, and friction. In the media, in government committees, online, almost everywhere--parents who speak about vaccines seem to all be against vaccines. Even though almost all parents vaccinate their children.

The tides are turning. Even though communities across the world are plagued with vaccine hesitancy and its accompanying falling immunization rates, Voices for Vaccines has gotten the voices of the average parent--the vaccinating parent--heard.

Our blog posts have gone viral (in a good way). Our toolkits are used in communities across the world to start real conversations about the true facts concerning vaccines. Small communities of parents have made a difference, seeing immunization rates start to rise where they live.

But the grassroots work cannot spread without your support. Join us now to make a real difference.



Giving Activity

Organization Data


Organization name

Voices for Vaccines


Health Children & Family


330 West Ponce de Leon Ave.
Decatur, GA 30030