Fit To Recover

A nonprofit organization

$214,016 raised by 378 donors

95% complete

$225,000 Goal

 A Safe, Healthy and Active Community for those in Recovery

Community, safety, acceptance, and support. We all want these, right? But for people in recovery from misuse of drugs and alcohol, a safe, no-judgment, supportive community is a need, as well as a want. We know, because we’re Fit To Recover and we’ve been there and lived that. We’re asking for your support as we continue to grow our community

I’m Ian Acker. I started Fit To Recover nine years ago with a small group of friends who wanted to support each other in sobriety through exercise and fellowship. We met each Saturday to work out, ran the hills of Sugarhouse Park and shared our hopes and fears of life in recovery. Soon, an entire community formed, and we opened the FTR Gym and Community Center in January 2015. Our mission is to welcome others into our community.

"My higher power led me to FTR. I saw the Orem class flyer on the wall at a 12-step meeting place. Thank you to whoever put that flyer up. Up until then, I had three months of the darkest tunnel in my recovery in over 19 years. From my very first bootcamp, FTR has become the light at the end of that tunnel. The love, friendships and unity of it has returned the simple joy to my life. I felt totally helpless and alone in this trial I had been facing, and now, I do not. What else can I say but thank you Fit to Recover!!"

- Ramsey DeGreare FTR Member 

“A little over three years ago, I had messed myself up so badly that I no longer knew who I was (or who anyone around me was for that matter). I wanted and I needed to get better, I just didn’t know how. I was so ashamed of myself that isolating felt like the right move, but isolating keeps us sick. It lets our sick brains run wild.

What FTR does, what I feel when I’m at FTR, is acceptance. It is a safe space where I show up as I am, with all my addict bits, and I challenge them with healthy habits: community service, stability, creativity, and compassion. These things, the pillars that FTR is built upon, have become the pillars of my life. They are dependable and reliable, which have shown me how to be dependable and reliable; how to forge friendships when I didn’t think I was worthy of the title, and have shown me that I am an asset just by showing up, by sharing my struggle and reaching out my hand to the next person who is looking for a home." - Molly Walker FTR Member 

"The atmosphere at Fit to Recover is supportive, energetic, non-judgmental, and welcoming. The staff there are not authority figures, they are community leaders. Fit to Recover is a growing community, welcoming all who are interested in a better way. They have taught me how to be a part of something again, how to make friends, how to care about my health, and have pushed me to make achievements I did not know I was capable of. In a world where community and connection are becoming less and less, I think everyone could benefit from a Fit to Recover in their neighborhood, not just the addiction community. I really believe the Fit to Recover lifestyle can act as a preventative measure in combating addiction and mental health problems in youths. The possibilities are endless, and I am proud to be a part of it." - John Troll FTR Member



Best of SLC 2023 - The Winner For Best Mental Wellness                                        Best of SLC 2023 - The Top 3 For Best Nonprofit 

Best of State - 2023 Winner in Private Fitness/Recreation Facility               Best of State - 2023 Winner in the Bootcamp Fitness 

Best of Utah 2023 Body and Mind - Best Privately Owned Gym.                      Best of Utah 2023 Body and Mind - Best Bootcamp 

Golden Key ACE Provider of The Year 2023

Giving Activity

Organization Data


Organization name

Fit To Recover

Tax id (EIN)



Health Community Humanitarian Aid


1331 S Major St
Salt Lake City, UT 84115



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