Establishing Kalapuya County

A nonprofit organization

$2,579 raised by 35 donors

86% complete

$3,000 Goal

The mission of Archaeological Legacy Institute (ALI) is to develop ways to make cultural heritage research more effective both in gathering important information about past human lifeways and in delivering that information to the public and the profession.  In essence, ALI is devoted to cultural heritage research and its benefits to humanity.  Within that context, our priority is to tell the human story to people everywhere through the use of cutting-edge technology and public presentations.

We also emphasize applying our mission to serve our local community, and we have a special interest in supporting and helping to preserve Indigenous groups and cultures.  These two goals combine in the present project.  Over the past 180 years, after Euro-Americans from the east migrated here and took possession of the land, somehow the memory of the first people of our home faded away.  Reviving this memory and fixing it firmly in our historical narrative is the central goal of this project, which we call "Establishing Kalapuya County."  Please see the adjacent tab ("Kalapuya Co.") to learn more about this project.

Importantly, if we can raise $3,000 in this campaign, we will qualify to obtain up to $100,000 in grants from the Gannett Foundation.  Please help us accomplish that!

Organization Data


Organization name

Establishing Kalapuya County

other names

Archaeological Legacy Institute

Tax id (EIN)



Arts & Culture Education Community


EUGENE, OR 97405